Well, just when you think you’ve got a handle on things, the
world throws you a curve. I had just said to myself that I might as well find
out about this “hipster” thing to see if I might be one without knowing it. At
my age, it’s a little hard to tell where you fit in the social scheme of
things, what with X and Y generations, not to mention Millennials, Phase 1 and
Phase 2. I missed the Greatest Generation by 20 years or so, and the Baby
Boomers by a decade. I think hipsters can be any age at all 00 but where do I fit?
I decided to approach the question scientifically. I’d draw
up a list of pros and cons to see if I fit into the hipster mode: H (for
hipster) in one column and NH (non-hipster) in the other.
Okay. Then I had to look up just what is a hipster. First
thing: a hipster is one who is thought to be cool by cool people. That’s easy.
The coolest people I know are my husband, the 50-plus geezers I hang out with,
my daughter, and my three grandsons. And guess what – they all think I’m pretty cool. So chalk one up for the
H side.

I’d rather live in a small town in Texas than in Portland.
On the few occasions when I have been coaxed into a cocktail
bar, I order beer. (NH)
I do own an e-reader (H), but the books I have stored on it
probably cancel that one out.
I have a laptop, and I can use an electronic recorder,
download and edit audio and burn a disk (H), but I don’t have any e-games, or a
smart phone and I mostly use my computer for work (NH)
I blog – but mostly I communicate by email; no tweeting,
no skyping, and I don’t have anything stored in a cloud (what is that, anyway?)
Then, this morning, as I was driving to my fitness center
(H), in my beat-up Ford F-150 pickup (NH) listening to AM talk radio (Two or
three NH’s at least), I heard something that rocked my world and skewed all my
Are you ready for the
latest “old school” game hipsters have embraced? Here’s a clue – it’s spelled
A Ms. Fiorentino -- black-haired, red-lipsticked, black-framed eyeglasses and all whose picture probably appears in the dictionary next to “hipster,” and who makes her living as a drummer for Smashing Pumpkins, was recently spotted playing Bingo at a tea shop owned by Smashing Pumpkins frontman Billy Corgan.
And that’s not all. The hip crowd has also embraced knitting, bowling and euchre.
A Ms. Fiorentino -- black-haired, red-lipsticked, black-framed eyeglasses and all whose picture probably appears in the dictionary next to “hipster,” and who makes her living as a drummer for Smashing Pumpkins, was recently spotted playing Bingo at a tea shop owned by Smashing Pumpkins frontman Billy Corgan.
And that’s not all. The hip crowd has also embraced knitting, bowling and euchre.
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